" the scheduled departure and arrival times"
This is a compressed form of "the scheduled departure times and the scheduled arrival times".
We need to be able to uncompress the terms it should be relatively easy.
Some rules:
Departure and arrival should be similar that is, B is more similar to C than to D.
The relation "departure times" should be possible and not redundant
The relation "scheduled arrival" should be possible and not redundant.
Sometimes it will turn out to be ABD and CD, rather than ABD and ACD. If it is already of the form
AB and CDE
then we probably dont check for ACDE, just ABE.
The structure need not revolve around the last noun
Different levels of system and application level access privileges based upon
"system" here goes with "application" it is "system level access privileges" being anded with "application level access privileges".
Details of the route and destination announcement syntax...
"route" and "destination" go together, so we have
Details of the (route and destination) announcement syntax...
We can have
Details of the specific route and destination announcement syntax...
which gives
Details of the specific (route and destination) announcement syntax...