To Order

To Order has a second object, which introduces a large diversity of ways the relation can be stated. Many senses are required, to handle this diversity.

Active Voice
He ordered the manager to evict the tenant. ActiveVerbPhrase ActiveInfinitive
He ordered the manager evict the tenant. ActiveVerbPhrase ToLessInfinitive

He ordered the manager that he is to evict the tenant.
He ordered the manager (is to) evict the tenant.         IsToInfinitive
He ordered that the manager (is to) evict the tenant. IsToInfinitive

We don’t know that the order was given to the manager, only what the order was.

He ordered of the manager that he evict the tenant.
He ordered of the manager that he is to evict the tenant.
He ordered the tenant to be evicted.                                 ActiveVerbPhrase PassiveInfinitive
He ordered the tenant be evicted.                                 ToLessPassiveInfinitive
He ordered the tenant evicted.                                         ToBeLessInfinitive
He ordered the tenant is to be evicted.                         IsToBeInfinitive

He ordered the tenant evicted from the premises be reinstated. – two possibilities

He ordered the eviction of the tenant. ActiveVerbPhrase NounPhrase
He ordered the eviction of the tenant by the manager

The manager ordered to evict the tenant had second thoughts.
Participial, based on following verb.

Ordering the eviction of the tenant was a mistake.
The man heard ordering the eviction of the tenant was the landlord.
The ordering of the eviction of the tenant was a mistake.

Passive Voice
The tenant was ordered to be evicted. PassiveVerbPhrase PassiveInfinitive
The tenant was ordered by the Landlord to be evicted.

The tenant was ordered to be evicted by the Landlord. – ambiguous

The tenant was ordered evicted.                         PassiveVerbPhrase ToBeLessInfinitive
The tenant ordered evicted was reinstated.
The manager was ordered to evict the tenant. PassiveVerbPhrase ActiveInfinitive
The eviction was ordered by the landlord.
It was ordered by the landlord that the tenant be evicted.

Noun Phrase
The order evicting the tenant. NounPhrase PresentParticipial
The order to evict the tenant. NounPhrase ActiveInfinitive
The order from the Landlord to evict the tenant.
The order by the Landlord to evict the tenant.
The order of the Landlord to evict the tenant.
It is the order of the Landlord that the tenant be evicted.
The order to the Manager to evict the tenant.
The order for the tenant to be evicted.
The order for the eviction of the tenant.
The order given to the Manager to evict the tenant.

There are other uses of order

He ordered the chicken

But this will be taken to be

He ordered someone unknown to supply the chicken.

            He ordered the chickens by weight.
Were they placed in order, or did he place an order? The singular object is unambiguous, as ordering by measure is not possible.

We have to arrange to catch all the possible uses. One way to do this is to have different senses, each having objects which have both meanings and grammatical types.

Sense No. Sense Type Subject Object Second Object Grammatical Type
1 Active Verb Person Person Relation ActiveInfinitive
1 Active Verb Person Person Relation ToLessInfinitive
1 Active Verb Person Person Relation IsToInfinitive
1 Active Verb Person Person Relation IsToBeInfinitive
1 Active Verb Person Person (of) Relation ClausalPronoun
2 Active Verb Person NullObject Relation NounPhrase
3 Passive Verb Person Person Relation PassiveInfinitive
3 Passive Verb Person Person Relation ToBeLessInfinitive
4 Passive Verb It NullObject Relation ClausalPronoun
5 Passive Verb Person Person (by) Relation ActiveInfinitive
6 Passive Verb Relation Person (by) Person (of)  
7 Noun Phrase Person (from) Person (to) Relation ActiveInfinitive
7 Noun Phrase Person (by) Person (to) Relation PresentParticipial
8 Noun Phrase Person (by) Person (to) Relation (for) Noun Phrase

Where the same sense can be used for different grammatical objects (sense 1 etc.), they are given as alternatives.

Fortunately, there are few verbs of this complexity. The following have a similar but not identical pattern:


See To Evict