The format of the COMPONENTS function is


The function establishes a relation between the object connected to Pin2 and the objects connected to the function through the list. The elements in the list are components that make up the object. They will normally have different attributes.

Pin 1 controls whether the function is active. Pin1 can be linked directly to the environment, or be controlled through some logic, as

    IF AssembledOK@ THEN COMPONENTS(Master1, {...})

If the existence of Master1 is activated, the pulse will propagate to all the members of the list, unless blocked by the context. If talking about a truck carrying a load, it would be tedious to activate every component used in the truck, unless there was a good reason to do so (it had broken down, say).

If one of the members of the list is activated, Master1 will also be activated (after checking that it is not locked to Ignore). If the Master value reurns an Ignore, it will also be returned to the member of the list which activated it.

The Master object may have attributes, but these attributes will not be shared by its components - the truck has mobility, the petrol pump does not. The Master object does acquire the attributes of its components - in part.



Existence Logic

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Last modified: August 24, 2007