Web and Data Mining







 The Tupai Web and Data Mining tools provide a powerful, intuitive way of converting data in databases and Web logs into information that can be used during a Customer Engagement.

During the Mining phase, a database table or log is dynamically connected to variables in an eCognition knowledge network model. For each record, data flows through the model in a Learning phase and builds up distributions and multi-dimensional relations connecting the variables. The model allows any kind of analysis or filtering of the data during this process, so data can be translated into higher level conceptual information. Higher level structures that are implicit in the database, such as aircraft trips represented by several records, can also be captured and analyzed. The result of the data flow Learning phase is probability maps representing Customer Behavior. These maps can be "sliced and diced" to be viewed any way the analyst desires, while maintaining correlations among the variables.

The resulting distributions and relations can be made active, so that their interactions can be immediately analyzed. The data in the database has been transformed into active knowledge. The information that flows through the model is not limited to single values, but can be sets and ranges, capturing much more effectively the knowledge that was implicit in the database, but very hard to see if each record were viewed one at a time. New relations can be found using the correlations that were in the data and are now in the knowledge representation.

The finding of new relations can be automated, using correlations in existing relations to search for more complex assemblages, or be guided by the analyst.

The necessity for finding "rules" is greatly reduced, as the relations themselves, carrying the statistical probabilities of customer behavior, can be implanted in the Virtual Sales Force directly. The distributions and relations already have a Probability Control on their operation, so supersede the need for a rule which works 76% of the time. The distributions and relations work 100% of the time, because they carry, in greatly compacted form, 100% of the behavior.
