All Together Now

We had the components - logic, existence and time - and had built structures using pairs of them - Project Management was sentential logic and time, Genetic Knowledge was a partial implementation of predicate logic and existence, but now we have put the three aspects together as a way of representing relations.

A relation has an object which represents it, a logical input, and an existence input based on time. The combination provides extraordinary flexibility.

timecontrol.gif (86620 bytes)

The start and finish times for the activity can be linked to any other activity. Together with duration and Global Time, these inputs control the existence of the relation. A logical control asserts whether the relation is true or false (is asserted, denied, or may be true), and the relation is an invocation of some prototype relation. With this level of fine control, we can say.

CorporationX owns CorporationY

CorporationX does not own CorporationY

Ownership of CorporationY is transferred from CorporationX to CorporationZ

Fred is in Miami

Fred or Joe may have been in Miami or Boca Raton some time in the last six months

Just as

Fred bought a Mercedes or a Lexus

allows us to conclude that Fred bought a car (because both are cars), the relation as object allows us to conclude from

Fred is Joe's brother or cousin

that a family relation exists between Fred and Joe (because both are family relations).

We need to pull a few efficiency tricks so that the excitation of Global Time doesn't bring a large model structure to a stop, but there now exists a structure with similar flexibility to that of natural language (essential if NLP is ever going to work).

All the specialist logics that have been created to handle particular situations (and usually do so extremely poorly, because of their rigidity and staticity) can now disappear in the maw of a dynamic combination of logic, existence and time.

Presentation on Relations