Commands - Network Display

Commands allow you to nominate variables or nodes to be displayed, and to perform other tasks such as detailed examination of the records that form the network.


Typing VAR followed by the variable name will cause the variable to be displayed.

NODE number

Typing NODE and a number will cause the node to be displayed. Links have numbers too, and giving a link number will cause the link and associated nodes to be displayed.

RECORD number

Typing RECORD and a node number will display all details of the record in the network.


The network is dumped, and may be viewed in the Help Browser.

DEBUG number

You nominate a node to be debugged by typing DEBUG and its node number. The network node number is displayed in the status box to the right of the Command field, or, if you use the Textual representation while the node is in the centre of the screen, the node number is displayed as the first number on line 1 of the textual representation.

SOLVE name

Typing SOLVE followed by a name of a variable will cause the particular variable to be solved, useful where you want to keep another window free.