The format of the ATTRIBUTES function is


The function establishes an attributes relation between the object connected to Pin2 and the objects connected to the function through the list.  These attributes are also acquired by all members on any MEMBERS operator hung off the Master variable (and on down, recursively, until overridden).

Pin 1 controls whether the operator is active. Pin1 can be linked directly to the environment, or be controlled through some logic, as

    IF ConditionOK@ THEN ATTRIBUTES(Master1, {...})

If the existence of Master1 is activated, the pulse will propagate to all the members of the attributes list. If one of those attributes comes back as Ignore, then (without additional logic) the Ignore will propagate back to the Master, turning it off.

If one of the members of the list is activated, Master1 will also be activated (after checking that its own place in the MEMBERS hierarchy is not locked to Ignore).