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KBS Consulting


We provide a consulting service to set up a Knowledge Base to act as a "live" repository for the knowledge of an organisation. Rather than a set of rules, the knowledge is stored in an undirected network, ready to be used for whatever purpose requires it.

Knowledge stored in this way becomes available to be utilised throughout the organisation, to be understood and contributed to by many.

Our service includes implementing the knowledge base, assisting with capturing and codifying the knowledge, and putting it to work.

Key Benefits

Clarify, codify, expand your most valuable resource - what your people know
Respond faster to challenges and opportunities
Disseminate knowledge throughout your organisation


Familiarity with Knowledge Base tools

Our people are familiar with tools at the pinnacle of Knowledge Engineering, but we don't stop there. We know how these high level tools can be integrated with the analytic tools used at lower levels in the organisation - the spreadsheets, databases and specialised programs that are also used to run your business.

Solving of Complex Problems

Our people are experienced in assembling knowledge to solve complex problems in a wide range of industries. Their generalist approach guarantees that all of the relevant knowledge will be added to the Knowledge Base.

Dynamic and flexible

Consulting to set up a Knowledge Base is quite different to consulting to solve a particular problem. With ordinary consulting, the organisation is left with the description of a solution which rapidly becomes out of date, no matter how skilled the consultant. Setting up a Knowledge Base is at a different level, leaving the organisation with a flexible structure which is both dynamic and easy to change.

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Copyright © 2004 Interactive Engineering and Tupai Business Systems
Last modified: 25th February 2004