TRENDER Function

The format of the TRENDER function is:


The TRENDER function is designed to find trends in discretised data. It receives arrays of values, and then when it detects a trend, it controls the search for components that contribute to the trend. On completion of searching, the function returns a string representing its findings.

The parameters:

An input - the list has five components - a list representing a curve to be analysed, a list of possible variables (the dimension variables of any productmaps involved), a list of limiting settings, the history of the search so far (including a history of up, down or sideways), and a list containing the dimension variable to be operated on, and the desired operation, Up, Down or Sideways (the operation can be a list of possibilities).
Trend Settings
A list of the settings for trend detection (the shape of the trend we are searching for).
An output - the TRENDER operator sets the elements of a variable in the possibilities list on the productmap, then outputs a list of lists of stores, returned by the individual elements.
An input - a structured list of lists, each containing a set of values corresponding to the lists in OutputList.
An input - a structured list of lists, each containing a set of values corresponding to the lists in OutputList.
An output - corresponds to the input ControlList, except that a curve generated by the current TRENDER is now to be analysed. The control list and history list are changed for the next TRENDER.
An input - a string will be returned from the next level TRENDER, representing what was found with the current setting of the current TRENDER. This will be appended to the current TRENDER's output string.

The TRENDER assumes the dimension variables of the productmap are unset, and can be set to any combination allowed by the limit conditions list. For levels greater than one, a store level and backtracking is used, so the previous level TRENDER is not required to relinquish control.

An example of an instant coffee product will be used:

200 g jar of Freeze Dried Instant Coffee - branded Lavalla

When a trend is found in sales of this product, the cause could be


Increased sales of Instant Coffee
Increased sales of the Lavalla brand - not to be considered if only one product


Increased sales of 200g jars of coffee generally
Increased sales of Freeze Dried coffee at the expense of other types
Change in sales of competitive product - including distributor's own products


Increased number of stores selling product
Change in price of this or competitive product
Increase in some segment of stores - population type, region

The TRENDER function controls the direction and depth of search. Diagrammatically, each potential step in the search appears as

threestep.wmf (9598 bytes)

Searching Rules

There are rules about which search steps are possible -a sideways search followed by another sideways search is not possible, for instance. It is also not possible to recurse.

SearchingRules.wmf (28352 bytes)

The limit list provides control over which of the possible search steps are permitted - searching up or sideways within the stores dimensions is not permitted.

If the search up finds a full explanation of the trend - sales are up generally - then the search terminates. Otherwise, any significant contribution to the trend in the up direction is stored.

The search sideways may result in combining several dimensions - 200g and Freeze Dried, if each show a small contribution - or a search down from some other product or group of products.

The search down attempts to find one or more specific causes in the sales data - an attributable cause is more than 25% of the trend (by value). Searching along a particular path will terminate when no component shows more than a 15% contribution to the trend. Several paths will be joined if together the trend contribution would be above 25% - region and population, say.

trendcascade.wmf (44678 bytes)

TRENDER operators are intended to function in a cascade fashion, as the diagram shows.

Trend Detection

Data from which a trend is to be extracted is continually normalised against overall and component data. Product sales data will be normalised against category and subcategory data (so a general trend will disappear in the product data).

Small trends (a few percent) in related dimensions - size of pack - will be used to normalise the data.

Seasonal fluctuations in sales - represented by data on the previous year's sales - will also be used to iron out fluctuations in the specific product sales data.

Compensatory trends - sales dipped 5% a few weeks ago and have now risen 5% - will be ignored.

When this smoothing has been completed, any remaining trend will be estimated, and the searching for its components begins.

trend1.gif (6150 bytes)

The time period over which trends are  estimated varies, depending on the expected delay in response to change:

Distribution level - the number of shops selling the product - 8 weeks.

Price change - 4 weeks.

Introduction of new product - 2 weeks.

As the cause is not known when the trend is detected, trends are looked for over different timeframes. Searching will follow different paths, depending on the trend timeframe.

A search for components might yield

trend2.gif (23531 bytes)

Components B and C would be singled out for further analysis. The component curves without trend are tracking the parent curve, as they have been normalised against it.

Market Analysis