Agree - a complex relation
Breaking Chains - a more global look at prepositional chains
Complex Synonyms - he concluded that...
Constraint Reasoning Directly on Text
Controlling Medicare Costs - how can waste be reduced?
Existential Antonym - are there any?
Fabricated Verb - the equipment is site assembled
FromTo - when two objects need to fit in the space for one parameter
Multiple Subordinate Prepositionals
Number of Modules - A Little Theory of Groups
Octopus Control - Seamless integration of grammar and logic
Reentrant Prepositional Chains
Rolling Thunder - Analytic structures that combine grammatical and semantic features
Say It Again Sam - putting larger structures in the dictionary
Seeing Alternatives More Clearly
Strongly Correlated Verbs and Prepositions
Technical Description Example - Pressurised Water Reactor
The Delivered Training Aircraft Build State