Types of Adverbs

 What is interesting is the generality of adverbs - the ability of an adverb to modify every aspect of the relation – time of occurrence, duration, the action, the subject, what was used or what else was made (or not made), the state or attribute of any of those things, and the probability or possibility of any of those things.


He closed the door slowly.
The painting had taken a long time, but was finished quickly after a threat of non-payment.

We are being specific about two parts of the duration of the painting process.

Position in Process

The painting was nearly finished.
The concert will be starting immediately.
The concert had just begun.
The concert had almost started.
It was half finished.
The concert was soon to start.
It could possibly have started.

Probability or Possibility of Process or State

The painting is likely complete.
He is probably lying.
It is possibly broken.
The process invariably fails.
There was nearly an accident.
He was possibly feeling hot.

 Degree of Process

The vehicle was partially damaged in the accident.
They were completely surrounded.
He was fully liable.


The new shop was opened nearby.
He adjusted the valve remotely.
He was known locally as a clown.
Climate change is important globally.

 Action State

The motor ran steadily for the rest of the day.
The police were rapidly gaining on the miscreant.
He argued powerfully for a new dam.

 In a Sense

The child is functionally illiterate.

 Adverb Determines Subject

The valve was manually adjusted.
The valve is automatically adjusted using a control loop.
The machine was automatically welded.

 An automatic welder did the welding.

 Action Using

He adjusted the valve manually.

 We already know a person did it, so we are not being told anything about the subject. This is confirmation of what was used – a manual process.

Actor State

He opened the door carefully.
He listened attentively.
He adroitly adjusted the valve.
He drove recklessly.

The state of the actor is described. The state is persistent during the action.

He became increasingly more confident as the concert went on.

 The state of the actor can change during the process.

 While Making

He opened the door quietly (making little noise as he did so).

 Proportional Persistent State

He opened the door slightly.
He was hugely influential.

Duration of Persistent State

The machine is permanently damaged.
The service is temporarily suspended.
The transmission was momentarily disrupted.

Adverb on Adverb

He opened the door excruciatingly slowly.
He ran extremely quickly.

 See Design Notes