The textual format of the OBJECTONLY function would be (it is never entered in text)
The function establishes a relation between a master object connected to Pin2 and instantiations of that object, appearing as members of the list, but each one connected directly to the OBJECTONLY operator through a LISTLINK. The instantiations inherit the object properties of the master object, but not the properties to do with words.
As an example
The pronoun I inherits the properties of a person, but not its word properties - Person is a noun, while the word 'I' remains a SubjectPronoun.
This effectively allows
I, Marcus Aurelius, am unable to continue.
'I am' is permissible, even though we know the person, which would be 'Marcus is'.
This also allows the system to make sense of
'I require.....'
where ToRequire requires a person as the subject.