Knowledge Networks


Planning and Scheduling Applications

Jim Brander

Interactive Engineering

Sydney Australia



A knowledge network is an active analytic model of some complex state or behaviour. The model has many properties that allow it to be used in design, high level planning and scheduling. Undirectedness is the most important property, giving the description a richness unobtainable by other means. The stackless operation of the model allows for human interaction. The micro scheduling of its own activity means it is more adaptable to the scheduling of modelled activities. Some operators used in planning and scheduling models are described, as well as operators that extend the formalism into non-analytic areas.


This paper outlines the use of knowledge networks for high level planning and scheduling. A knowledge network is intended to provide a generalised analytic model of a problem area, and to allow all the inferences that may be drawn from such a model. The network is made up of variables, operators and links, and has associated with it a message passing mechanism. The operators are active elements which change the information on any of their links in response to incoming changes on any of their links. A link with incoming information can immediately become a link with outgoing information, so operators can communicate directly with each other, and can change the topology of the network as they do so.

The knowledge network implements various techniques that are necessary for efficient analysis of scheduling problems, such as conversion of logical constraints to equivalent numerical constraints where possible. Specialised operators to represent the behaviour of tasks and usage of resources allow a compact description of the scheduling model.

In comparison with the alternative algorithm/data structure approach, the knowledge network, with its embedding of logic in an active model, is non-algorithmic. Its lack of specialisation is a weakness only in simple problems, where a simple algorithm can take advantage of the problem structure. Many people tolerate simple algorithms, and hope that a layer of thought on top will result in a good outcome - instead, the simple algorithm guides their thoughts as well, towards a simplistic outcome. The knowledge network avoids the necessity for an algorithm and can be used to analyse complex problems where the phasing of the decision-making is a large part of the problem..

Why a Different Approach

Most scheduling tools are based around some form of algorithm, more or less purpose-built, and rely on the operation of the algorithm matching (or "keying into") the structure of the scheduling problem. This works well for static scheduling problems, where everything is to be scheduled and the structure of the problem doesn’t change over time, but such simple problems are rare in complex areas of human endeavour. Sometimes a strongly mathematical solution, like linear programming, is deemed adequate for the long term stable part of the problem, while the short term varying aspects are ignored as being inconvenient. If a more applicable algorithm is required, it may take months or years to develop, is marred by many hacks and patches, and is out of date before it is implemented, due to changes in the process coming from new methods or different behaviour of upgraded plant.

There have been many efforts to improve the operation of scheduling algorithms, with each new advance increasing the specialisation of the application, or requiring the planner to be ever more inventive in attempting to twist the algorithm’s behaviour to get the required result. Complex scheduling problems are a mass of dynamic interactions, where decisions need to be made based on the current states, and it is difficult to predict beforehand what those states will be, or create some rules which apply to just that particular set of conditions.

A good criterion for judging scheduling algorithms is their "scheduling granularity", what will they schedule down to. If large assumptions are made as to the problem structure, the granularity can be coarse, leading to efficiency, but anything not meeting the assumptions cannot be scheduled simultaneously - it can't add two numbers together, because that was not in the assumptions of what it would need to do. A Knowledge Network schedules at the atomic level of analysis - the level of individual analytic operators - so everything can be done. More precisely, the operators schedule themselves. It also doesn't schedule what it knows doesn't need to be done, so it is not as inefficient as it might sound.

The Knowledge Network approach uses a Constraint Reasoning technique to allow a much more realistic description of the scheduling problem. The description of the problem in terms of its constraints and interactions provides the structure for its analysis. If the process being scheduled changes, new constraints can be added which directly represent the changes. Where many sub-problems are to be combined, each sub-problem brings with it its own active logic, allowing reliable automated assembly of the overall scheduling problem. Some scheduling problems have a "window" which moves through time, revealing an unpredictable subset of tasks to be scheduled. Again, this subset can be continuously and dynamically assembled into a scheduling model, the assembly taking place through connection of the components of the tasks and new information flowing as soon as connections are made.

The knowledge network structure is initially undirected and can transmit tentative information about possible solutions in any direction. There is no external algorithm attempting to schedule while obeying the constraints. Instead, there is a scheduling machine built out of the constraints and interactions that describe the behaviour of the objects being scheduled. This is the Non-Algorithmic approach.


How Much is Different

What has been removed is the need for transformation of scheduling requirements into the form of an algorithm and a data structure. The major difficulty with that approach is the requirement to phase the operation of the algorithm running on a sequential instruction computer so that the relevant states of the process are examined at the appropriate time. This requires that the programmer has an intimate knowledge of the process (and any possible future changes to the process), and develop a mental model of the algorithm so that it may be written out in the form of a program. A minor difficulty is that the data structure cannot describe activity, so all necessary active logic must lie within the algorithm.

Once written and left for some time (weeks, months), the algorithmic program is very difficult to change because the mental model the programmer used to produce it has evaporated. Changes can now damage the fabric of the algorithm, because the detailed understanding of the interactions woven into it has been lost. The notion of weaving extends past the algorithm to encompass the data structure that the algorithm operates on. Change to the data structure requires change to the algorithm, and vice versa. The complexity that this leads to is shown by the requirement that the algorithm anticipate every possible variation of the objects being scheduled, and their interaction with other objects.

The Non-Algorithmic approach takes the descriptions of the interactions and constraints, and directly creates a structure where they are still evident (and individually identifiable). Changes can be made to the original description at the business knowledge level. The most obvious difference between the two approaches is the elimination of phasing by the programmer, the operators within the structure controlling the phasing of information flow in the structure in response to changes at their connections.

The non-algorithmic approach may seem inefficient, as it shuttles information around the structure, but it is not "dumb". To use a related example, the "natural order" algorithm that drives a spreadsheet is quintessentially dumb because it attempts to schedule all calculations before it knows the results of those calculations, and where the calculations might have led it. A "dumb" algorithm requires "dumb" problems, or at least problems strangled into a very constricted form.

The knowledge network could still be described as running an algorithm, but it is an unusual one made up of operators, connections and the values within them. There is no distinction between an algorithm and a data structure. Both are entwined together, in a far tighter weave than a programmer could accomplish. The algorithm is "inside" the problem description and observes the conditions at each operator, rather than outside it with much less information to work on. A programmer has no direct control over what occurs in the network, other than by altering the network structure or the values that illuminate it.

Undirected Interaction In The Network

The operators in the network are undirected - that is, they are capable of handling information flowing in and out on any of their connections. A statement like

A = B + C

implies that the plus operator will maintain the truth of the relation among A, B and C while the statement is operational, no matter which variable presents new information about itself (note the logical control being exercised through the EQUALS. A logical state can flow in or out from the EQUALS). The precise operation is that the changed information moves along the link from the variable to the operator, the operator gains control, examines the states and values on its connections, if necessary places new information on any of its links or reports an error and then relinquishes control. If new information arrives at a variable, all incoming information is compared for consistency, and new information is sent out on all connections.

Taking a slightly more complicated relation,


information can flow into any of the variables, or into the logical implication (IF) controlling the statement, or out of it (there is a control connection for the statement, not shown in conventional textual forms, but assumed True). That is, the statement may be driven True or False (effectively becoming IF A < B THEN C <= D), it may drive its control pin, the consequent may negate the antecedent, or it may be forced to be non-operable. Control of this constraint may have been exercised by another constraint, so they can be layered without limit. The constraint statements are undirected as to information flow, just as we should understand sentential logic.

As an aside, embedding constraints using the IF...THEN of computer logic relies on building an entirely separate phasing mechanism to control the logic, but to do so is a good way of strangling the scheduling problem by breaking it into unconnected pieces.

The constraints use reasoning at the operators that make up the constraints, rather than treating the constraints as black boxes, so many more inferences are possible. Making the constraint statements behave as a human scheduler would understand the logical interactions seems at least marginally useful in coping with complex problems. If during scheduling a consistency error occurs, it occurs at a point which is directly related to the problem description, not in the air (although, to be fair, it may be necessary to chain back many links in the structure to find why the error occurred where it did - not enough fuel is the same error as not enough range).

Operators like PLUS, LESS, IF have already been mentioned. Sometimes it is necessary to embed non-analytic operators in the network. This can be done using DISTRIBUTION and RELATION operators. The RELATION operator uses an adaptive graph to describe the relation between two or more variables. The detail of the graph can be obtained using Data Mining or other techniques, and can have its contents modified over time by a learning mechanism. The DISTRIBUTION and RELATION operator has a Probability control, allowing the outcome to alter depending on the probability obtaining during the scheduling process. It is important to note that these operators sit at the same level as every other operator, so propagating a range into the Probability control pin is no different to propagating a number into a PLUS - the analysis is extensible, not segmented.

Efficiency Matters

The network operators tend to exceed what is understood by their textual representations. The statement

A + B + C + D = E

is built with a single PLUS operator with multiple connections. The one operator can see all the ranges that are pertinent to it, and make more inferences than if three distinct but otherwise identical operators were used.

If a group of variables is to finally have an exclusive integer value on each, it may be done by setting the group not equal to each other through a single EQUALS operator, as

NOT EQUALS(List) - equivalent to NOT A = B

This is far more compact and efficient than thousands of statements connecting every combination in a list of 50 variables (the infix operators can all be used textually as functions with a list providing parameters, although "function" is obviously a misnomer). Bringing the maximum amount of information into focus at an operator maximises the potential inferences.

If there is a statement

IF A < 5 OR A > 10 THEN...

the logical OR is replaced with a numerical OR, combining multiple logical scenarios into one numeric scenario with a range. If the consequents of an IF...THEN...ELSE make multiple reference to a variable, as

IF A < 5 THEN B = 6 ELSE B = 10

then a structure is automatically created to enforce

B IN {6,10}

whenever the IF statement is true (the statement itself has a logical connection) and before the value of A is known. The combination of techniques of network compression and elaboration allows more powerful inferences to be made, stripping away the impossible alternatives faster, important when designing or scheduling.

What Can Be Propagated

The network supports the propagation of logical states, numbers, strings, objects, lists. Lists can include any type, including numeric ranges, network structures, lists. Alternative values are supported, using the list transmission mechanism. Numeric ranges can be discrete, such as 2,5, or integer 10..20, or real 1.4<->7.6, and may involve variables, such as A..B. Symbols are used, so 1..1000000 is transmitted as a single constant, not stored as a million bits. The ability to propagate numeric ranges in symbolic form is essential for dynamic extensibility, the variability in one part of the network being determined by another part. Probabilities representing partially known logical states can be transmitted through the logical connective operators in a Bayesian fashion, so scheduling under uncertainty is possible.

When the information to be transmitted becomes too complex to be represented as a value or a list, activation is transmitted. That is, one operator signals another by altering the environment and placing the other operator on the activation queue. When the other operator gains control, it observes changes in its environment and may place other operators on the queue. This technique is used to propagate distributions, surfaces, resource/usage interactions.

Why Transmit Values

Some systems handling scheduling constraints use a method where ranges are stored at the variables, with no linking network structure. The statements standing for the constraints are parsed and executed, first with the minimum values and then with the maximum values. For example, A = B + C could be used as a constraint. If a change occurs at variable B, the statement is used to work out a new value for A, then turned into C = A - B to work out a value for C. The method is simple, but has several negatives:

The equals sign has no meaning other than assignment to a location, so there is no means of controlling the statement’s usability other than by external means (a single layer).

The turnaround method falls over on those analytic statements which do not permit rearrangement.

The turnaround method falls over if simple functions such as TRUNC and MAX are used (so they can’t be used, compromising the problem description).

Complex analytic operators, such as the ACTIVITY operator connecting Start, Finish and Duration, have no obvious turnaround form. They make sense in a network, and may be conveniently represented in textual form as a function (although they are functional on most of their connections).

Giving an operator control, even one as simple as PLUS, may allow it to detect occurrences where inferences outside it may be drawn, based on the information it has received from two or more directions. If operators do not have existence except as instructions in program flow, then they are not going to make inferences.

The lack of logical connectives in a network structure militates against the use of Bayesian logic in any integrated way.

The systems using the turnaround method require the problem to be strangled into a form which suits the algorithm. Patches can allow a form of IF...THEN..., but it is the IF...THEN of computing, the jump to a location, not the logic of scheduling. Transmission of values through a structure, with computation occurring at the operators and variables, removes these limitations, describes far more of the real problem, and greatly increases the inferences that may be drawn.

Probabilistic Reasoning

Most times, design and planning must be undertaken with some uncertainty. The logical connectives in the network can be made to provide Bayesian behaviour in a way that is integrated with the operation of the rest of the network.

bayesprob.gif (12692 bytes) The diagram indicates a network fragment of

IF X <= 15 AND ...

Here, X has a distribution operator connected to it. The distribution may be generated, such as Gaussian, or data mined. The distribution is stored in an adaptive histogram, using ranges for compression in little used parts of the distribution. When a change occurs to the range on X, the LESS THAN operator compares the current range of X with the singular value 15 (it could be another range with another distribution) and a probability in the range 0<->1 is transmitted in the logical connection. The AND operator can make use of the two-dimensional distribution to determine the cross-correlation. The probability can be moved into the numeric network for manipulation, then moved back into the logical network again (Bayesian analysis has problems when used in the large, rather than in toy examples. The network, with its ability to bring a large amount of information to a focus, provides a framework for handling these problems).

Building Variability Into The Schedule

A good example of the rigidity of scheduling algorithms is that of the Critical Path Method (CPM). The method works well where every task must be scheduled within a resource limitation - erecting a skyscraper for example, where everything is known in detail beforehand, and nothing is tentative or could be left out.. The method works poorly in high level planning or a development environment, where the activities themselves may be in a constant state of flux - even whether to do the project at all is uncertain, and needs to be part of the analysis.

Alternative Activities




Planning at a high level often encounters the situation where one cannot decide between two or more potential and mutually exclusive paths (something as simple as which resource was last used, or perhaps different technologies to produce similar outcomes). One path might be shorter but more expensive, or expose the plan to greater risk of failure to complete some task. The logic deciding between the two paths can be built into the network, and draw on as many influences as desired. The two alternative paths can themselves be mini-schedules, and don’t need to have common starting and ending points, as shown in the diagram.

Some activities in the plan may have risks associated with them - risks that they may not occur, or that the duration becomes extended. There are two ways of handling this, backup activities and contingent activities. The need for inclusion of these sorts of activities can be determined based on a risk analysis also embedded in the same network.

Backup Activities

Backup activities are worked on in parallel with the activity having completion risk. The backup activity may take longer to complete than the minimum duration for the main activity. However, if completion of the main activity does become a problem, the work spent on the backup activity has been good insurance for keeping the overall schedule on track. If the desired activity is completed, the backup activity is aborted.

Contingent Activities

Contingent activities can be embedded in the plan, ready to be scheduled if failure occurs on some primary activity. As distinct from backup activities, work on the contingent activity only begins when failure has occurred on the primary activity. If the primary activity succeeds, the duration of the contingent activity is forced to zero, rendering the activity nonexistent.

These specialised activities are not specialised operators, instead they are assembled from the general purpose logical operators.

Method of Scheduling

When scheduling, there is usually a hierarchy of choices to make. One can either make each choice in turn and then use branch and bound or similar techniques to limit computation, or one can propagate the effects of a choice to reduce the number of downstream choices - a technique called "forward cutting". The more initially undirected the model, the more widespread can be the propagation (and the less "forward" it appears, as the cutting may turn back on itself). As a result of propagation, either the ranges of other variables are reduced, or inconsistencies are encountered, forcing an immediate backtrack without wasted effort. This technique can reduce the number of choices to be tried by a factor of thousands, making the optimisation of complex planning models possible.

The backtrack in a knowledge network consists of restoring network information changed as a result of the decision needing to be undone. Every part of the network is made of the same "stuff" and every change (including changes in network topology) can be backtracked, so backtracking is a seamless part of network operation. One can make decisions, build "castles in the air" as a result, then take them all to pieces again and try something else. Most other systems implement backtracking by jumping out of a procedure which has a local copy of the variables. The knowledge network backtrack uses a procedure to undo changes in the network - operation is symmetric, allowing what is undone to be controlled as it is undone.

Scheduling must deal with many singular and awkward cases. Some examples:

An ACTIVITY Lying In Wait

A task to be scheduled is represented in the network by an ACTIVITY operator. The network can decide on whether a particular task is to be carried out by switching its logical control pin. If an ACTIVITY operator does not yet have a TRUE or FALSE state on its control pin, and it has a zero in its range of duration, it observes any changes taking place on its Start and Finish pins. If the possible duration between the Start and Finish values becomes less than its minimum real duration, the ACTIVITY cannot exist, so switches its duration to zero and sends FALSE out of its Logical Control pin. If connected through an XOR to another activity, the other ACTIVITY will switch TRUE, forcing it to exist and be scheduled. The ACTIVITY operator has become a detector of its own existence, by implementing undirectedness on its connections.









Tasks Swallowing Other Tasks

Heavy equipment usually has a preventative maintenance program, and the aerospace area is obviously no exception. The larger maintenance tasks occur infrequently, but if they need to be pulled forward for any reason, they should swallow smaller tasks that would otherwise have been carried out separately. The logical control pin on activity operators makes this modelling trivially easy to implement.

Piggybacking of Tasks

Some tasks should move to coalesce with other tasks that are in their time range, but if the task on which they have piggybacked moves out of range, the task must jump to another possibility within its range. This kind of logic is hard to build into an algorithm, easy when active logic is built into the scheduling model.

The network activity resulting from the interaction of many renewable and consumable Resource Usage operators, jostling with each other for resources and continually reversing the information flows at their connections as the constraints tighten, and the ability to control existence of tasks and turn resource usage on and off from other parts of the network, provides a large part of the flexibility of the knowledge network for scheduling applications.

Human Interaction with Scheduling

The handling of constraints is sufficiently flexible in a knowledge network to allow constraints of arbitrary complexity to be added even during the scheduling operation, while the other constraints are active and partial results are already available. Constraints can be added textually or graphically. The added constraint structure will immediately have values flowing in it from its points of connection to the rest of the network, allowing its operators to modify those values. Unlike other scheduling methods which are "stuck up their stack" and not amenable to user interaction, the knowledge network method is essentially stackless, all the states being represented in the network (and being accessible to connection).


No fully worked examples have been given in this paper, for the reason that a knowledge network is a general method, and it is too easy to look at an example and say "That is what it does", with the implication that is all it does. Examples of use are spread over the spectrum of design, planning, scheduling and include - scheduling of heavy maintenance of aircraft, ground movements of aircraft at an airport, program management, project management of development projects, product design, financial asset planning, marketing analysis.


The knowledge network approach to planning and scheduling has been outlined. The knowledge network is intended as a general analytic tool, so it can describe far more of the real problem than a tool dedicated purely to scheduling. Its area of applicability is at the high level end of the spectrum, where uncertainty exists in what is to be scheduled, or the objects to be scheduled must bring their specific behaviour with them, being too complex to capture in a general purpose algorithm.

The knowledge network propagates relatively complex messages in a relatively complex structure, making it much closer to the human scheduler’s understanding of the scheduling problem. Its method of operation allows human intervention during the scheduling process.


Brander, J. and Dawe, M., Use of Constraint Reasoning to Integrate Risk Analysis with Project Planning - The International Journal of Project and Business Risk Management - Winter 1997

Brander, J., Multi Modal Methods of Information Transmission - AAAI Spring Symposium 1998

Cras, Jean-Yves, A Review of Industrial Constraint Solving Tools - AI Intelligence 1993, pp. 27-30


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