Facilities and Options - Network Display

Main Menu




Odd Jobs

Speed Buttons

Saves changes to the model.
undobutton.gif (1072 bytes) Undo
Undoes changes back to the previous Store level.
preventundo.gif (1122 bytes) Prevent Undo
Prevents access to previous store levels.
textform.gif (1189 bytes) Show Textual Form
The network details are written out in textual form.
showselect.gif (1107 bytes) Show Selected
Only the selected nodes are displayed.
selector_button.gif (982 bytes) Select Nodes
A Selector window appears, allowing selection criteria to be entered.
properties.gif (1179 bytes) Properties
The properties of the current node are displayed - values for variables or Help for operators. Double clicking on it has the same effect.
blue_arrow.gif (1117 bytes) Back
You can return to a previous display. The arrow is "greyed out" when there are no previous displays.
blue_right_arrow.gif (934 bytes) Forward
You can return to a display you had moved from using the Back arrow. The arrow is "greyed out" when there are no further displays available.
variablecontext.gif (1194 bytes)Variable Context
Brings up the Variable Context window.
navigate.gif (1141 bytes) Navigate
Use this button to control the nodes that are displayed around the centre node as you move from one node to another.
solvebutton.gif (1104 bytes) Solve
Press this button to start a solving job on the current node. You cannot start another solving job while the first one is still running. The display will be updated or a message will appear when solving ends.
errorflag.gif (1029 bytes) Error
If an inconsistency is present in the network, signalled either by an error state or by a red Inconsistency in the other application windows, this button is made visible. Clicking on it will display the list of inconsistencies. Click on a particular inconsistent node, then select a way of viewing the surrounding network.

Secondary Windows


Edit Variable

Network Data

Variable Context